Case Study: Master Data Migrations
Business Situation:
For a Major Infrastructure firm was facing challenge while merging their Salesforce systems, as they inherited big bad data (Accounts, Contacts and Addresses). The Operations team faced challenges in fixing the bad date as large data was involved and was growing at an exponential rate every week. This was having a huge impact on the Sales and top line revenues.
Technical Situation:
After analyzing the client systems we found out that duplicate accounts, leads and contacts in the system led to skewed reports and hindered Sales performance. The Operations team was struggling to clean the bad data as fresh data was entered in real time making it difficult for them to keep up with the same. Our team found out that there were no set rules to keep the contacts in proper formats and to prevent the creation of duplicates which led to further problem for our client.
Openmind Solution:
Openmind team used to automatically update and enrich the account, contact and lead data. We redefined the Rules, created Workflows and Validation Rules. This was done to enhance and prevent the bad data from being created. Our consultants implemented State Country picklists and duplication tools from AppExchange. We then archived inactive accounts resulting in clean and concise data for the Sales team.
Business Benefits:
Our Solution provided the client and users newer and cleaner environment which enabled the Operations/ Sales and Marketing teams to focus on their tasks without having to deal with the data cleansing issues . The result was a shorter sales cycle which helped in increasing in sales opportunities. The sales teams now had direct access to high quality leads and contact profiles for prospecting. We created dashboards to provide them with account research and insights to get the most from every conversation. The cleansed data now helped the management to strategic plan, conduct market analysis resulting in increasing the Sales revenues.
Products and services your company used:
- DataLoader
- Dashboard
- Salesforce
- Apex